A less benign view of our technological future is offered in G. Anthony Svatek’s .TV, a deadly serious but wittily poised prophecy of environmental oblivion. The title is the official domain extension given to Tuvalu, a group of Polynesian islands in the South Pacific. With a land mass totaling only ten square miles, Tuvalu is the world’s fourth-smallest nation and the 189th member of the United Nations. A warning voice from cyberspace, in the future, tells of Tuvalu’s final days, when it sinks into the sea. As it speaks of the “faceless threat eating away at its shore,” we watch alluring images of the island paradise with the bluest of seas and sun-drenched beaches. The acerbic punch line of Svatek’s work, as the voice intones, is that while Tuvalu itself has “vanished”—that is, from the point of view of the future—internet and industry experts declare that the websites of the domain, .TV, are too valuable to be terminated and are therefore protected from the fate of the islands and their inhabitants, assuring us of the ultimate triumph of capitalism.